Developers of information material for neighbour- and neighbourhood projects
'Når du bor i Danmark'
This booklet is packed with tips and tricks to facilitate a good relation between neighbours. The 5 different languages (Danish, English, Polish, Turkish and Arab, Tigrinya optional) make this booklet a very handy tool for non-native speaking tenants.
Modifications are limitless. You can create your own personalized page on the back, have items removed or let us create new topics and drawings especcially for your association situation.
Format A5
16 pages
Full Colour
Full page example from the booklet
Illustration from the booklet
- Pay after delivery
- If your organization has a MOMS-number, you don't have to pay MOMS
- You can personalize all outings according to your wishes
- Experts on neighbour- and neighbourhoodprojects since 1998